Archive for the 'Pledge' Category

Apr 22, 2008

$1000 to find in 25 days

I’ve just started a speculative ‘collection’ on If, within 25 days, I can get pledges (promises, not upfront cash) worth $1000 I will be duty bound to create a video for the pledgers.

As well as featuring on the credits, those who contribute will get a special version of the video.

Here’s the plea on Fundable:

Waaaay back in 1994 I flew into Lebanon, with a mountain bike. This was the first bike tour since the end of the Civil War.

Tyne Tees TV had loaned me a Hi-8 video camera so I could do a video diary for the second series of ‘Chain Gang’. This second series never materialised…but I was left with a few hours of Hi-8 video. I put the tapes in a draw and forgot about it.

That was then. Now, I’ve had the tapes digitised and plan - sometime - to edit them into a video that can go on Vimeo, YouTube etc.

I have sponsors for my other videos on, but none for the Lebanon video. It’s not terribly commercial for a sponsor. I sleep in bombed out villas in the Be’qaa valley. That kind of thing.

If you’d like this video to see the light of day, please consider pledging a weeny bit of cash. With Fundable, monies only come off your credit card or out of your PayPal account when the target amount has been reached.

A very good reason for getting a load of small pledges instead of keep on trying to get one big sponsor is that I’ll feel the heat from all those small pledges. It’ll give me the nudge that’s needed. All funders will go on the credits for the movie as ‘Co-producers’. There, add ‘Movie producer’ to your CV and business cards!


Carlton Reid

I have a month to raise $1000. If I don’t get enough pledges (and I don’t think I will!) this Fundable collection is auto-deleted.

Consider this as an experiment. Wanna be part of an experiment? Make your pledge here.

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