If Gary Imlach had a bike range…

Halfords has today said its like-for-like bike sales in 13 weeks to 1st July have risen 11.5 percent. No doubt its sales will increase even further in the current quarter because of the blanket advertising on ITV4’s coverage of the Tour de France. But I feel the company is missing a trick. Why limit itself to just a Boardman range of bikes? A Gary Imlach bike range would be a perfect fit for Halfords. They could flog the range on the highlights part of the Tour de France coverage, seconds before the man himself appears. Why should Chris Boardman get all the product plugs?

The first model in the new range would be an electric bike, with integrated hair drier for that cycle-coiffure that few can pull off. suggests the bike range would have to come ready-fitted with mirrors, too. Good point.

The advert copy for this new bike range could go something like this…

“I knew I’d had a good day’s fronting a sport show when they had to crow-bar me off the set…”

“Light blue is not a colour, it’s a frame of mind.”

Got any more suggestions?

PS I think Gary Imlach is the best presenter on telly. His scripts are first-rate, his humour biting, his hair…gravity-defying.

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