Get the vids on Apple TV

Or on your video iPod or watch via iTunes on your Mac or PC.

The old podcast - Cycling: news and views – is now replaced by the . Videos will continue to be loaded to YouTube but they lose quite a bit of resolution in the process. The iTunes videos look a lot better, especially when ported to your hi-def TV screen via Apple TV.

Long-time users of iTunes will have noticed a recent explosion of high-quality video podcasts from major broadcasters. And all because of Apple TV? Probably.

Either way, getting the vids on to iTunes means you never need miss a single one. Subscribe, for free, .

The old podcast was hosted by .Mac and was sometimes a bit flakey. The new one is hosted by LibSyn, the pre-eminent podcast hoster. I’ve loaded just three podcasts so far. More will follow over the weekend. Thanks for tuning in. is proudly powered by WordPress