Are you winding me up? Good

On the pre-Christmas Spokesmen podcast I recommended the solar-powered Anklelite and Baglite LEDs from Pedalite. I’m using them lots as on-the-body lighting. Staying on the no batteries theme, I’d now like to recommend the Swallow wind-up LED set.

Crank the handle for 30-45 seconds or so and front and rear blinkies are juiced for half an hour. I bought them for fitting to my kids’ bikes but I liked them so much, they now grace a commute bike and my road bike.

The front and rear lamps are connected by a long wire. A crank handle on the front light powers the rear too. The unit can also be used as a charger for cellphones.

In the UK the Swallow is available from the Ethical Superstore. is proudly powered by WordPress